It's Not Just Aid, We are Transforming lives

Traditional monetary aid often falls short in Africa. In 2020, despite $161.2 billion in aid, 400 million people in sub-Saharan Africa still live in poverty. Instead, support African businesses and startups to create sustainable solutions for water, healthcare, and food security. Your contribution empowers innovation and lasting change, ensuring a brighter, self-sufficient future. Join us in making a meaningful impact on lives in Africa

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Answering the why?

 These enterprises are often the backbone of local economies, creating jobs and fostering entrepreneurship. By aiding them, we stimulate economic growth from within, reducing dependency on foreign aid in the long run. Second, startups and small businesses are agile and innovative, capable of addressing local challenges with creative solutions. Third, investing in these enterprises can empower marginalized communities, promoting social equity. Finally, as these businesses grow, they can contribute to a more diversified and resilient economy, enhancing a country’s capacity to weather economic shocks. In essence, supporting small businesses and startups promotes self-reliance and fosters sustainable development in developing nations.

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Our strategy

Strategic Investment

directed strategically toward businesses and startups with the potential for high social impact, focusing on sectors that align with national development goals

Capacity Building

provide training and capacity-building programs to equip entrepreneurs with the skills needed for success.

Policy Support:

work with African governments to create a conducive regulatory environment that promotes entrepreneurship and attracts foreign investments.


collaboration between African startups, Western businesses, and international organizations can further amplify the impact of aid.

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